WATER LINE RECORDS LLP • A Louisiana Record Company


September, 2015
Waterline Records proudly announces the Hit Me America/Eli Seals recording has been submitted for Grammy consideration.
'Written in one of the most unique songwriting jam sessions ever, "Hard Time" features lyrics and inspiration from over 100 homeless citizens including a chorus of mission disciples in the final recording.'
Music submissions run through September 30th, with First Round voting to begin shortly thereafter.
The 58th Grammy Awards live television broadcast can be seen Monday, February 15th on CBS.

January, 2015
Unoffical word is that the two songs Producers have selected will appear during the final shows of the season. Keep your eyes and ears open on Thursday nights, CMT.
Party Down South 2 will feature two Seals/Craig songs
December, 2014
Exciting news for Waterline Records. Producers for the CMT hit 'reality' show Party Down South 2 have contacted Eli for clearance on two "Slow Dancin' at the Rodeo" songs ... An Angel's Comin' Home and The Floor is the Limit. Eli performed An Angel's Comin' Home (written by Eli and Pat Pigott) on camera during an episode shoot in Biloxi late this summer and we're eagerly awaiting word on when it will air. After further consideration of the entire record, the show's Musical Director (yes, Party Down South has a musical director) decided they couldn't pass up the perfect drinking song and requested permission to use the Eli Seals/David Craig written The Floor is the Limit off the CD.
When more information is available, we'll post it!

Cruel River Music is born
August, 2014
It took months to research the name ... it took 3 final submissions to BMI. But on August 12th, 2014, David Craig (the songwriter) was given permission to use "Cruel River Music" to title his new publishing company. Looking forward to future music with dual publishing by Seals-Hill and Cruel River.

David Craig premieres new website - davidcraigcreative.com
August, 2014
Combining both his music and art onto one website was a challenge for his designer/wife, Cheryl ... but with their Telluride trip rapidly approaching, it was critical. You'll find a large collection of David's paintings and drawing, some of which are still available for sale. There is, of course, a lot of music, too! Lyrics for some of the songs he's written, links to recorded music, photos and a career timeline that's sure to intrigue even the casual observer.
Check it out yourself at http://www.davidcraigcreative.com

Craig invited to Telluride for second time
March, 2014
The call came in March, promoter Steve Gumble needed another iconic image for the 21st Annual Telluride Blues and Brews Festival. David worked tirelessly for the next month and by the first week in April had shipped the sizeable original work out west.
He will make personal appearances throughout the festival in September to sign posters and will also be selling some merchandise of his own ... postcard reproductions of 5 blues singers he has painted over the years.

Eli and David appear together for the Louisiana Music Hall of Fame
Macaroni Grill, Mandeville, Louisiana
(July 7, 2014) The call went out and David and Eli responded. Fundraiser night for the Louisiana Music Hall of Fame at Romano's Macaroni Grill in Mandevelle turned into the perfect evening for the two singer/songwriters.
Executive Director, Mike Shepherd was a gracious host and with a bit of prodding, David and Eli sang a terrific duet of '27 Dollars (and very little sense)'.

The Eli Seals Band opens for Darius Rucker on the Gulf Coast
Great Lawn at Harrah's Gulf Coast, Biloxi, Mississippi
(June 21, 2014) What a day! With a heat index over 105° and a crowd estimated at 15,000, the first day of summer was smokin' hot in Biloxi, Mississippi. The Eli Seals Band cranked up a 40 minute set starting at 4:00pm on the new Great Lawn at Harrah's Gulf Coast, followed by One Thousand Horses. Grammy award winning pop turned country artist Darius Rucker rounded out a great day of music, ending in a blazing fireworks show over the water.
Where else can you catch Eli? Click here to check it out.